Sunday, 28 February 2010

Spring Time

I'm really liking this print of mine and am seriously considering getting new business cards printed up just so I can use it... would that be so wrong - bearing in mind I have over 200 old ones left - hmm?!

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Danny Kirrane runs his way to the World Cup 2010... literally!

Check out my friend Danny Kirrane (currently staring in Jez Butterworth's hit West End play Jerusalem) in the new World Cup 2010 Visa ad... here's hoping it'll be the most played ad of 2010!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

London Fashion Week Diary: Day Five

Today was another great day at LFW... I caught Ashish at 9am, which was well worth waking up for... such a beautiful, beautiful show. I also caught the Ada Zanditon show and spent the rest of the day in the press lounge... accidently hearing Brix Start-Smith talking very loudly about her new TV show on the phone... but I'm no gossip!!
Really unusual boat/ paper hat invite from Ashish... I thought it looked pretty flimsy, but it got me onto the front row, so I'm not complaining!

Lots of spectacular sequins as bright as anything... exactly what ou'd expect from Ashish... loved the chunky knits too and voluminous shapes... superb!
Bananas in pyjamas anyone???

Monday, 22 February 2010

London Fashion Week Diary: Day Four

Another great day today... I met so many friends both personal and professional and spent most of the day catching up with people...
Also caught the fabulous Pam Hogg, Hermione de Paula and FAD shows...
With her trademark penchant for cat suits in full swing Pam was in her element for the AW10 collection entitled ‘Valley of the Shadow of Darkness’. With futuristic metallic’s featuring heavily on the catwalk even the hair and make-up took a turn for the futuristic with the models sporting heavy eyebrows reminiscent of a certain Captain Spock.
With a procession of well known celebrities including Jodie Harsh, Ex-All Saint Melanie Blatt (with beautiful daughter in tow), Pearl Lowe, Peaches Geldof and Jaime Winstone, it was a paparazzi photographer’s dream! I also spotted Nick Cave sneak in, followed by Jefferson Hack.
On Mon­day night I was delighted to be invited to the 2010 FAD com­pe­ti­tion com­pris­ing of a cat­walk show and awards cer­e­mony held within  Freema­sons Hall, Venue of Vaux­hall Fash­ion Scout. Short­hand for ‘Fash­ion Aware­ness Direct’, a reg­is­tered char­ity since 2005, the com­pany ethos focuses on mak­ing ‘the per­son cen­tral to design, pro­mot­ing respect to the wearer and inte­grat­ing art and cul­ture into fashion’.
With the focus of Monday’s event being the FAD com­pe­ti­tion, I was very excited to see what the 14 short­listed design­ers would present.
With only three awards (bronze, sil­ver and gold) on offer, the judg­ing panel made an excep­tion and granted a fourth designer, Vera Thor­dar­d­ot­tir a spe­cial men­tion for her inspired sculp­tural lace col­lec­tion, reward­ing her efforts with a work place­ment at William Tem­pest.
In bronze posi­tion was Rebecca Solity, of DeMont­ford Uni­ver­sity whose lay­ered satin and chif­fon pieces received rap­tur­ous applause when they went down the cat­walk. Inspired by what appeared to be the late 1970s, Rebecca’s colour palette was grey and cream, uti­liz­ing volu­mi­nous shapes to great effect, embell­ish­ing her satin jump­suit with a util­ity belt and mock-medals, earn­ing her a work place­ment with Jonathan Saun­ders.
The run­ner up was Alice-Jane Hut­ton, whose two out­fits con­sisted of chic sep­a­rates with heav­ily padded shoul­ders and exquis­ite laser-cut Per­spex jew­ellery. Win­ning her­self a work place­ment with esteemed British designer Sir Paul Smith!
Finally the over­all win­ner of the 2010 FAD com­pe­ti­tion was Rasa Abra­mavi­ciute, a sec­ond year fash­ion stu­dent at Mid­dle­sex Uni­ver­sity. With a fash­ion for­ward cap­sule range of knit­ted tex­tural dresses Rasa was most cer­tainly the stand out designer of the show, with sev­eral peo­ple in the front row gasp­ing at the sheer detail and immac­u­late fin­ish applied to her designs. Her first dress, inspired by mem­o­ries of her child­hood, was con­structed entirely from leather with Lithuan­ian folk print and inno­v­a­tive 3-D origami details. The sec­ond out­fit rep­re­sented the unity of her coun­try, with a patch­work car­pet dress in earthy shades, per­fectly com­pli­mented by a struc­tural leather jacket. Win­ning first prize of a place­ment with none other than Dame Vivi­enne West­wood and £2,000!!!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

London Fashion Week Diary: Day Three

Today was a great day! Sincerely my best at LFW so far... I went to some great shows: Betty Jackson, Doii and Horace! I also caught lots of great presentations/ stands in the morning. A designer whose work I love is that of Georgia Hardinge... I mean check out these garments.... the structure, the textures... it was all too much, too good... I even got to meet the designer as well!
As their catwalk show was last night PPQ's AW10 collection also went into the static exhibition... check out the gold coat (really heavy) and the monogram print... very 80s if you ask me...
Nicholas Kirkwood shoes were also making their way back to Somerset house, pair by pair. These are all collabs he did with various designers for AW10, sadly I'm not sure which are which... I just know they're all beautiful!
Betty Jackson was immense... by far one of my favourite shows:
Didn't like this show at all... the most interesting thing about it was the models dyed hair... a great distraction from the sea of bland black!!
Doii was absolutely WONDERFUL- by far my favourite show so stay tuned for a long post on this later in the week...